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Become a Member

People of all nationalities living in Rio de Janeiro are welcome to join the American Society.   

Annual Membership

As has been the case since 2022, the Board decided to leave it up to each individual member to decide how much he or she wants to pay for annual membership in 2024.  To be a registered member of the Society, you must pay something, but for this year, it is you who decides how much.  The Society looks forward to your financial support – your “donation” – in an amount you find appropriate.

Christ the Redeemer
Large Sidewalk

Payment Options 

1) Pix

You can use Pix with our CNPJ, 33629361000150, to transfer directly to the Society's bank account.



Please send an e-mail to providing your name, amount you wish to pay, address, and CPF, and we will send you a boleto by email payable at any Brazilian bank.



You can make a transfer directly to the Society's bank account at Banco Itau 341, Agency 0304, Account 06145-0.






Please, after making your donation, fill out the registration form with your personal information and payment identification (amount, name/number)  by clicking the button below. 


PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

The American Society

of Rio de Janeiro

Connecting you to Americans and

 American culture in Rio de Janeiro!


Mailing Address: Avenida Rio Branco 123,

Sala 2105, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20040-005


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